Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Year

So as I prepare to ring in 2011, I have to wonder will I break down and get a perm?  I was introduced to coconut oil by a friend a couple of weeks ago.  Whenever I get my hair washed, blown dried and curl, it will only last a week.  By the second week my scalp is itching so bad, that I have to wash it.  As you can already tell a hair style not lasting the typical two weeks is a problem.  First it is a waste of money. Second, a lot of time and effort only to have it not look any where near as good as a salon visit.  Well needless to say the coconut oil did cut down on the itching.  The coconut oil doesn't have a smell to it, which is good. I had to put a little effort into using it the oil.  It came in a solid form, therefore I had to heat the bottle to melt it down. I used it generously twice a week, by the second application, I actually put some on my hair for shine.  The coconut oil definitely helped with my second week and now I am ready for a wash.

So as far as the new year is concerned, I am going to stick it out, I am so ready to make my transformation.  I really want to see how my natural hair curls or don't curl.  I am going to start looking at other oils to use on my hair just to experiment.  I also need a hair style for the next two months, snow has just fallen and it's not the weather for a press and curl.